Monday, October 24, 2011

Super Heroes at the Zoo, Two

Here is T-Baby in her super stroller.
Here is J-Man and M-Girl at the top of the slide place (Super Mom note: They were playing at the grainery playground).
These goats sure are silly. They were climbing around on each other.
We were crazy chickens with chicken heads.

My penguins and I are hanging out. The penguins were waddling around, jumping in the water, and swimming underwater.

Today we went to the zoo. It was fun. I really liked everything.


  1. What zoo did you and your super sibs go see? I LOVE the zoo.

    Side note: The famous roar you hear at the beginning of MGM movies came from a Lion at the Dublin, Ireland Zoo! Were their lions at the zoo you went to?

  2. We went to the Minnesota Zoo. No lions, but there were wolves.
